How to maximise both your efficiency and effectiveness through the use of best practice Time Management techniques.
Time is the one thing we can not manufacture, yet is the one thing we all wish we had more of!
We are increasingly being asked to achieve more, with less resources and the only way to successfully do this is to change the way in which we manage ourselves and our time.
This programme covers:
- Keys to good time management: Purpose x Attention x Techniques
- Analysis of how we spend our time and identifying our 'time robbers'
- Clarity of objectives and prioritising tasks and attention
- What you need to do more of, less of and stop doing
- Working the Important and Urgent quadrants
- How to delegate effectively
- Best practice meeting skills - fewer, shorter, more effective meetings
- The Pareto Principle and Time Management drivers
- The Productivity Matrix: Proactive and Reactive actions
- The Decision Matrix: Urgent/Not urgent
- SMART goals
- Playing to your strengths
- The importance of Focus - Identifying your no.1 priority
- Time Management & Productivity tips of the Ultra Successful
- Influencing Skills to drive your Time Management
- Blocking time effectively
- Email time management tips
This programme can be tailored to suit both time poor Executives or staff who are run off their feet.
Please call us today to discuss your or your team's Time Management challenges.