Management Skills


Managing People Skills

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How to develop the skills, attitude, behaviours and knowledge of a successful manager who can set clear goals and motivate and support his or her team to achieve those goals.

Many employees start new jobs highly motivated to do well, but within 6 months have become demotivated due to poor management.

This programme can be customised to address the specific needs of either new or more experienced managers.

The programme covers:

  • The difference between Management and Leadership
  • How to lead and manage by example - what that means for you
  • The process for setting jointly agreed stretch goals and the milestones for achieving them
  • Creating excellent communications processes and channels to keep staff engaged and 'in-the-loop'
  • Developing a strong feedback process to ensure staff stay on track and develop their competencies
  • How to delegate appropriately and effectively
  • Critical thinking, decision making and problem solving skills.
  • Time Management tools and processes to maximise efficiency and goal achievement 
  • Results oriented thinking to enable you to achieve goals, under pressure and on-time
  • Negotiation and influencing skills 
  • Conflict resolution
  • How to manage stress, enjoy the role and achieve work/life balance

Please call us today to discuss your management development needs.

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